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Terms and Conditions IMS IBIZA MUSIC SUMMIT

These Terms and Conditions apply for all attendees of the International Music Summit event in Ibiza, 2024. By registering for attendance, you agree to the following:

1. Definitions
Agreement: these Terms and Conditions;
Attendee: any natural person or business entity that registers for attendance as a Visitor and/or a Delegate;
Event: IMS Ibiza 2024;
IMS: Ibiza International Music Summit SL;
Privacy Policy: IMS’s Privacy Policy located at: ;
Venue: Mondrian Ibiza   Hyde Ibiza;
Website: the IMS website located at:

2. Scope of Application
By attending the Event, you acknowledge and accept the Terms and Conditions provided for herein. We advise the Attendee to read these Terms and Conditions before placing any order through the Website.
IMS may amend these Terms and Conditions from time to time. Attendee is responsible for reviewing updated Terms and Conditions in place at time of Event.

3. Ticket Purchases
Before any Attendee can purchase a Ticket via the IMS Website, the Attendee is required to register and provide specific identifying information. All data must be provided completely and accurately, including, but not limited to, the Attendee’s legal name, telephone number and email address. IMS is not responsible for any failure to complete a purchase or receive aTicket due to incorrect data. If any Attendee information changes, such changes may be submitted to IMS through the email address
IMS offers Tickets at a concessionary price. The level of proof required for each concessionary Ticket is stated below:

Under 27 Ticket - Passport required
Student Ticket - Proof of being in full time education required
Eco Badge - Ferry booking confirmation required
Ibiza Resident Ticket - Proof of residency required
A purchaser may acquire Tickets on behalf of other Attendees via the Website. Tickets bought for multiple Attendees or third parties must still include required complete and accurate information with respect to all Attendees. Proof of identity will be required for each Attendee to accept their delegate badge at the Location. Incomplete or inaccurate information may prevent your access to the Event.
IMS reserves the right to limit orders of large quantities for one Attendee.
IMS utilizes the ticketing platform Eventix B.V. to issue Tickets. In placing an order, the Attendee grants express permission to Eventix B.V. to request information for the purpose of verifying the Attendee’s identity, assessing the validity of the credit card used and obtaining a first credit card authorization. Eventix B.V.’s own terms and conditions are located at: ;

4. Offers and Agreements
Information, offers, communications and quotations relating to Tickets and/or Events are provided by IMS and/or a third party as accurately as possible orally, by telephone, email or through the Website. IMS does not accept liability for any inaccurate or incomplete information provided by IMS and/or third parties.
All quotations are inclusive of VAT unless otherwise stated. Information about prices and availability of Tickets is provided ‘as is’, without any warranty of any kind, and is not binding on IMS.
All orders placed through our Website are subject to approval by IMS and the acceptance thereof is conditional upon the availability of the relevant Tickets.
After an order has been placed, the Attendee receives an automatically generated email confirming the information of the order. This email does not constitute any approval of the order but is only an acknowledgement of receipt. The Agreement between the Attendee and IMS is concluded after payment for an order placed through the Website has been effected and/or has been approved byIMS in writing and/or at the time of delivery of the Tickets. As soon as the Tickets are physically made available to the Attendee, the risk of and liability for the loss, theft, damage and/or abuse thereof lies with the Attendee.
IMS reserves the right not to approve any order, for example, if it fails to obtain permission for or confirmation of the payment; is subject to shipping restrictions, is not in stock; or if, at IMS’s discretion, the Attendee acts contrary to these Terms and Conditions for Attendees, which includes the situation where IMS has doubts about the accuracy or validity of the data provided by the Attendee in placing the order.
The Attendee shall effect payment immediately upon placing the order in the manner indicated on the Website. If payment is not effected in a timely fashion, the Attendee shall, after receiving due notice to this effect from IMS, pay not only the total sum due but also interest at the statutory rate and all judicial and extrajudicial collection costs incurred by IMS. As long as no payment has been made, IMS is also entitled to refuse the Attendee entry to the Event.
IMS is not liable for any damage or loss arising from the withdrawal of a specific Ticket from sale, irrespective of whether any order has been placed for this Product.

5. Privacy
The Attendee who intends to order Tickets through our Website (including apps) must provide specific personal data, such as the Attendee’s name, email address, the delivery address, and the relevant city or town. The purpose of this is primarily to ensure that the orders can actually be delivered and/or that IMS and/or its affiliates are able to fulfill their obligations under the Agreement.
The use of the personal data of Attendees is governed by the Privacy Policy of IMS, which is published on the Website. For privacy related matters, the Attendee is always free to contact us in writing via the following e-mail address:
If you reserve lodging via IMS at either the Mondrian Hotel Ibiza or Hyde Hotel Ibiza with your ticket purchase, your supplied information will be shared with the Hotel for the purpose of reserving your room.
IMS processes the personal data of the Attendee in accordance with the Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), applicable since 25 May 2018, as well as other relevant privacy regulations. IMS guarantees that it will handle the personal data of its Attendees with great care and refrain from using them for purposes other than those specified in its Privacy Policy. For example, without the prior consent of the Attendee the data are not disclosed to third parties for commercial purposes, unless this is necessary to perform the Agreement, such as the delivery of Tickets. IMS takes every possible measure to ensure that the personal data are secured against theft or misuse.
By entering into the Agreement with IMS, the Attendee grants express permission for processing the personal data in accordance with the Privacy Policy of IMS.
By registering for IMS, you agree that it may contact you, utilizing your provided contact information, regarding any details or updates about the IMS event. IMS is not responsible for any communications missed due to your failure to update contact information or ensure such communications may be received by you.
Likewise, IMS may publicly reveal your name, job title, and employing company to all delegates, amongst a list of all other attendees.
If the Attendee has not yet reached the age of 16 years old, their parents or carers must be aware of the Privacy Policy and, if applicable, agree to the content of this Privacy Policy before the Attendee is able to register for the purpose of using the Website and/or attending the Event.

6. Ticket Refund, Transfer and Resale
Once purchased, Tickets are assigned to the Attendee, and IMS will not permit the name on a Ticket to be changed.
Tickets may not be resold to third parties, offered for sale, or exploited for commercial purposes in any other way. Tickets may not be forged or copied. If the Attendee fails to comply with this obligation, IMS is entitled to regard these Tickets as invalid and the Attendee owes an immediately payable penalty of €5,000 per Ticket to IMS, without prejudice to IMS’s right to demand performance and/or full damages. The holder of an invalid Ticket is denied entry to the Event and is not entitled to any compensation.
The Attendee guarantees that if they make a Ticket available to third parties for free and not for commercial purposes, all the Attendee’s obligations under these Terms and Conditions for Attendees or any Agreement with IMS will also pass to these third parties in full. The Attendee guarantees to IMS that this third party will fulfill all these obligations.
Delegate badges may be canceled up to one month prior to the event, subject to a €50 administration fee. Requests for refunds can be made by emailing Any refunds will be issued within 14 days of IMS receiving your request.
The Attendee shall refrain from performing any acts that may prejudice or infringe the rights or other interests of IMS and/or its licensors.
IMS is the rightful owner of all intellectual and industrial property rights related to the IMS trademarks and other objects and creations in conjunction with IMS. The Attendee shall respect these rights at all times. The Attendee is not permitted to use and/or exploit, either directly or indirectly, the IMS Trademarks and other protected objects and creations in conjunction with IMS. The Attendee is not permitted to remove and/or modify statements in respect of copyrights, trademarks, logos, trade names and/or other industrial or intellectual property rights ofIMS and/or its licensors.

7. Cancellation or Relocation of the Event
If IMS cancels the Event, IMS will refund the original Attendee who bought the Ticket the price of the Ticket, excluding any handling fee and/or service charges.
IMS is entitled to cancel or relocate the Event if necessary. It is the responsibility of the Attendee to verify whether the Event is to be or has been cancelled or relocated and, should this be the case, to find out about the new date or the new Venue. If an event is cancelled or relocated, IMS will do its best to notify the Attendee. IMS cannot guarantee, however, that the Attendee receives such information before the start of the Event. IMS is not liable for any damage or loss in this respect.
If relocated, Tickets for the Event will remain valid. IMS will not offer refunds if the Attendee cannot attend the relocated Event. For additional information, please contact the customer service through

8. Limitation of Liability
IMS accepts no liability for any damage or loss caused by the cancellation, alteration or relocation of the Event, nor for any other damage or loss, for whatever reason, which directly or indirectly arises from acts or omissions by IMS, or persons engaged by or on behalf of them, or by third parties, during the Event, unless the damage or loss is due to intent or gross negligence.
If IMS imputably fails to meet an obligation under these Terms and Conditions for Attendees, IMS is liable only for direct loss or damage, and only if it is legally obliged to bear such liability. In such a case, IMS is liable only if the Attendee immediately notifies them in writing about the failure, providing a reasonable time-limit to restore such failure. IMS is in no case liable for loss, theft or damage of a Ticket and/or other properties of the Attendee. In the case of theft or loss of a Ticket, IMS is not required to replace or refund that Ticket.
IMS is never liable for Tickets that are purchased from third parties, for damage or loss caused by any acts or omissions by third parties, or for damage or loss resulting from failure caused by force majeure.
The Attendee agrees to indemnify IMS for all third-party claims caused by any failure in the performance by the Attendee themself, whether such failure arises from these Terms and Conditions for Attendees and/or a Agreement or otherwise.
Notwithstanding the above, if and to the extent that IMS should be liable to the Attendee for any damage or loss suffered on any ground, this liability will at all times be limited to the amount of the purchase price of the Ticket or, if this is a lower amount, the amount that is paid under the third-party liability insurance of IMS.

9. Force Majure
In the event of force majeure, IMS will be released of its obligation to perform the Agreement as long as the relevant hindrance continues to exist. Force majeure means in any event all circumstances independent of the will of IMS, which prevents the fulfillment of the obligations of IMS wholly or partly or means that fulfilling the obligations cannot reasonably be expected from IMS.
Circumstances that will in no case be at the expense and risk of IMS are, inter alia:
acts or omissions, with the exception of intent or gross negligence, by persons IMS engages in the execution of the Event or an Agreement;
unsuitability of goods that IMS uses in the execution of the Event or an Agreement; strikes, lockout, illness, import, export and/or transit prohibitions, transport problems, machinery breakdown, traffic jams, power failures, delivery problems, changes in legislation, governmental measures, non-fulfillment of obligations by suppliers ( including energy companies and suppliers of computer and telephone equipment), production breakdown, extreme weather conditions, frost, natural disasters, war and/or threat of terrorism and/or threat of war, epidemics and pandemics.

10. General
Without the prior permission of IMS, the Attendee is not permitted to record or engage others to record the Event in whatever form, on whatever (digital) media, including photographing, filming, or making sound and/or visual recordings of the Event.
IMS reserves the right to make sound and/or visual recordings during the Event. The Attendee who visits an Event:
agrees to recordings and/or use of their voice, portrait and/or image by audio and video display, whether broadcast and recorded live or otherwise, or any other form of distribution including photos or other current and/or future media technologies; gives unconditional permission for the free use referred to under (a), indefinitely and worldwide; will hold liable neither IMS nor the parties who make use of visual and/or audio materials with the permission of IMS, for commercial purposes or otherwise, for the use of such visual and/or audio material; waives their right to object to the publication of their portrait, to the extent that it concerns images at the Event in which they are recognizable; acknowledges that a video surveillance system is operational and agrees that video recordings can be made of him/her by or on behalf of IMS for public order and security purposes.
Without the prior written permission of IMS, the Attendee is not permitted to distribute or engage others to distribute their own promotional material, including samples, advertising and/or brochure material, during the Event, to the extent permitted by law.

11. Ticket Refund, Transfer and Resale
Accommodation at Mondrian Ibiza   Hyde Ibiza may be booked via IMS’s website. With respect to the services provided by Mondrian Ibiza and Hyde Ibiza in connection with the accommodation, a separate agreement is concluded between the Mondrian Ibiza and Hyde Ibiza and the parties using the services. IMS is not a party to that agreement.
IMS is not liable for any direct or indirect damage or loss arising from acts or omissions by Mondrian Ibiza and Hyde Ibiza and/or the staff or third parties engaged by Mondrian Ibiza or Hyde Ibiza.
No refunds will be issued in respect of bookings made at Mondrian Ibiza and Hyde Ibiza.
The advertised pricing of rooms at Mondrian Ibiza and Hyde Ibizal is inclusive of 10% VAT.
Accommodation at Mondrian Ibiza and Hyde Ibiza Hotels may be booked on its own or in combination with a Delegate badge. However, all Attendees must have an IMS Delegate badge in order to access the Venue sites during the Event. For the avoidance of doubt, Delegates are not obligated to stay at either Mondrian Ibiza or Hyde Ibiza Hotels.

12. Governing Law
Any Agreement and these Terms and Conditions for Attendees are exclusively governed by the laws of Spain.
All dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to an Agreement, these Terms and Conditions for Attendees, or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof, shall be submitted to the competent court in Spain.